ARCHIVES: SUGARLOAFERS New club puts on their 1st desert race.
Re-typed from the The Utah Cyclist May 1978 SUGARLOAFER’S HARE SCRAMBLES By Ellie Fuller April 16, 1978 I got a good look at the other side of a fence I thought I knew a lot about, and realized I have a lot more to learn. This time the desert race was sponsored by the club I belong to. The Sugarloafers, based in Fillmore, Utah. We ran the race around the extinct volcano we named the club after, Sugarloaf, also known as Pahvant Butte. Our trophies were hand selected and worked pieces of very special lava flows in the area. We even build the “johns” out of straw grown in the fields along the road that leads to Sugarloaf. It was a special event to our club, and a learning experience. We’ve all vowed to do even better next time! And after co-sponsoring Cherry Creek on May 21st with the Salt Lake Motorcycle Club we should be even more smarter!! The club recognized some new “super starts” at this race: the people who sit behind the signup desks and checkpoint crayons, as well as starters, stoppers, helpers, and cleaner-uppers, all deserve a word of praise. If it weren’t for them, the race WOULDN’T go on at all. A desert race is like an iceberg. The few hours of actual racing is like the tip, with a big bulk of w-o-r-k underneath. I should also mention those who support events in print. Their work represents hours of research, report, and typing. The crowd was estimated at around 1,000 souls, all connected in some way to motorcycling. About two hundred of these were actually entered to race. Many more were there to help the racers, and there were several hundred spectators. We are amazed that so little damage or garbage remained even to mark the spot. This was a group of high class people, and their actions prove it. The feeling was of respect and appreciation for the land. The B.L.M. supervisors who spent the day there had good words for the crowd and the club. They want to see more events come, on the basis of this one being well organized. And they were more than a little impressed with the several million dollars worth of vans, trailers, campers, bikes, motor homes, etc., which showed up. This racing crowd is a substantial group! The week before the race we chewed our fingernails through three wet, cold storms. The day of the race was warm and sunny, and because of all the storms, DUST-FREE! The riders were pleased with the course, and the majority came in smiling. We haven’t checked any official records, but it seemed like a lot of finishers came in, compared to some races. All the powder puff riders finished, and the ladies were grinning. Almost made me want to try it! We had several minor injuries, but all in all nothing marred the beauty of the day and the gathering. We got a lot of support from the local sheriff’s posse members, partly out of curiosity and partly of desire to help. They enjoyed the company immensely, and want to invite the motorcycle clubs to come again. They commented also on how well organized the event was, and the amount of time and money people put out for these events. They were amazed at the way our “Knights in Armor” fly across the desert on their mechanical steeds. And to tell the truth, I’m amazed myself, after years and years of observing at the spectacle of men and their machines flying formation across terrain (women and kids and their machines also). I’ve even been amazed at the few dogs without machines flying after their racing owners! The few negative comments were: too much course marking; not enough course marking; too many dogs and kids loose; too many pit racers; vehicles too close to pit area causing fire hazard; some confusion at the finish area; race course too short; trophies not very elegant; finishers pins not ready; and one irate mother with a list of wrongs with the Mini race. Some of the positive comments ran like these; best race ever; course was well marked and safe; open country, easy to pass; beautiful weather a special order); NO DUST; toilets you wouldn’t mind having in your backyard; friendly people; nice country; liked Sugarloaf mountain; easy race on the machines; good percentage of finishers; opened up new area for riding and competitive events; unique trophies. All in all, we feel the race was an unqualified success. The dance sponsored by the Sugarloafers on Saturday night was a blast. A lot of the winning riders were there getting in shape by doing the Hustle, Stomp and several others, some we didn’t even recognize. Our club will definitely be putting out the effort to sponsor more races and social events in the future. Like I said to begin with, we learned a lot, including the fact that we have a lot to learn, and we’re going to do better next time. Meanwhile, our thanks to all of you that support and maintain and attend the races; and we’ll see you all at the big CHERRY CREEK EVENT. ARCHIVES: The 1st DUBINKY STILL RUN sponsored by Green River Sheriff Posse Re-typed from UTAH CYCLE RIDER July 1978 By Ellie Fuller June 4th was the big day for the Dubinky Still (as in whiskey) Run, through a hundred miles of the most beautiful desert country in Utah. The course was set in the area 25 miles south of Green River, sandstone country occupied by arches and other natural sculptures. The weather was good, clear but hot. This isn’t a course for the faint hearted. But if you have the stamina for it, you are rewarded with vistas and spectacles that no tour guide could show you. Riders have been known to stop in the middle of a race to gaze in awe at some wonder of nature, or to cool off in a little oasis found way out there somewhere. It’s been said that the man who uses the land truly possesses it. If so, there are some very land-wealthy bike racers. They really use up the miles and see some unique spots. This race featured a dash for 1st place. Preston Gerber, a 250 Expert with plenty of miles on his leathers, mixed it up with Don fuller, 400 Expert. They traded places several times, passing and being passed, chasing and dashing. The final loop had Preston reaching the finish line ahead for first Overall, with Don holding on to second Overall. The race was a good one, challenging and well coordinated. It’s tough to get in to mark this country and several riders had problems losing the course. That, and mechanical problems can ruin a rider’s day, and even his whole week! Thanks to the Sheriff’s Posse for their time and expense. We wish a lot more people would help out the sport like the green River group does.
1. Kris Morgan 2. Don Fuller 3. Dave Blaylock 4. Bob (Tuffy) Howard 5. Preston Gerber 6. Bob Sward 7. Joel Quinn 8. Douglas Maude 9. Kevin Bogue 10. Edsel Stallings 11. Bret Butler 12. Terry Krehbiel 13. Clint Stephensen 14. Doug Behrens 15. Bill Johnson 16. Dave Roberts 17. Joel Rucker 18. Dave Spencer Jr. 19. Chuck Stephan 20. Lynn Benson 21. Bob Powell 22. Allen Levie 23. Dan Wade 24. Dave Vogler 25. Darrel Lankford 26. Bruce Stingley 27. John Lloyd 28. Chuck Egan 29. Ray Fugit 30. Michael Webster 1978 JACKPOT NEVADA TOP 30 1. Preston Gerber 2. Bob Sward 3. Dan Muller 4. Bill Dowers 5. Robert (Tuffy) Howard 6. Lynn Benson 7. Douglas Maude 8. Ken Medley 9. Edsel Stallings 10. Jeff Unruh 11. Mark Jones 12. Chuck Stephan 13. Terry Krehbiel 14. Cotton Gui 15. Jim Daniels 16. George White 17. Doug Barrus 18. Kem England 19. Bob Powell 20. Larry Meredith 21. Ron Dillon 22. John Dialogue 23. Dan Thacker 24. Clint Stephan 25. Robert Nancolas 26. Bradley Rice 27. Steve Cramer 28. Adrian Nebeker 29. Chris Pearcey 30. Charlie Ledington 1979 CLOVER CREEK (CALIENTE, NEV) GRAND PRIX TOP 30 1. Jack Johnson 2. Scot Harden 3. Sid Tarbett 4. Kevin Davis 5. Chris Howard 6. Max Switzer 7. Kevin Bogue (1st Utahn) 8. Kevin Jones 9. Mile Miller 11. Neil Mallory 12. Bill Putman 13. Kevin Keefe 14. Den Averett 15. Jeff Robison 16. Bill McDaniel 17. Reb Wallace 18. Fred Reisen 19. Casey Folks Jr. 20. Randy Honeycutt 21. Glen Wishmeyer 22. Ken Krumme 23. Steve Beck 24. Joe Delmue 25. Dave Kinshella 26. Tom Scales 27. Alan Peterson 28. Bob Olson 29. Chuck Piddisi 30. Kevin Colan 1979 DUBINKY TOP 25 1. Don Fuller 2. Ben Stevens 3. Jerry Sorenson 4. Kevin Jones 5. Dave Roberts 6. Laddie King 7. Dick Young 8. Dave Vogeler 9. Doug Behrens 10. John Conn 11. Mike Fick 12. Brian Hunt 13. Cotton Guio 14. Brad Strong 15. Fredrick Christiansen 16. Randy Lindsey 17. Leroy Blackshear 18. Fred Adamson 19. Doug Barrus 20. Ken Guio 21. Ed Dialogue 22. Kem England 23. Dan Bringard 24. Alan Peterson 25. Sherl Dickey 1979 SUGARLOAFERS WHIRLWIND TOP 20 1. Sorenson 2. Roberts 3. Kevin Bogue 4. Laddie King 5. Robert (Tuffy) Howard 6. Rocky Johnson 7. Doug Behrens 8. Alan Peterson 9. Randy Christianson 10. Kem England 11. Rick Vogeler 12. Dave Blaylock 13. Fred Christiansen 14. Brain Hunt 15. Dick Young 16. Craig Bennion 17. Bruce Nielsen 18. White 19. R. Murphy 20. B. Johnson ARCHIVES: 1981 CLOVER CREEK GRAND PRIX top 30 Caliente, Nevada
1982 USRA GOLD SERIES (combined Moto-X, Desert & Flat Track) TOP 9 1. Kim Leydsman 2. Randy Lindsey 3. Allen Gerber 4. Craig Smith 5. Carl Weskamp 6. Mike Clark 7. Tery Abernethy 8. Sam Taylor 9. Ken Weskamp 1983 BUZZARDS HARE SCAMBLES TOP 20 1. Scott Gerber 2. Brad Strong 3. Todd Henneman 4. Scott Godfrey 5. Harvey Howard 6. Troy Lerwill 7. Roger Zeeman 8. Davey Spencer 9. Kelly Sorenson 10. Bruce Nielsen 11. Dean Brook 12. Alan Peterson 13. Al Hoskins 14. Todd King 15. Preston Gerber 16. Randy Lindsey 17. Tuffy Howard 18. Paul Chilton 19. Chris Dever 20. Jon Henry 1983 BUZZARDS HARE SCRAMBLES TOP 20 1. Brad Strong 2. Kevin Bogue 3. Shawn Gerber 4. George McQuiston 5. Troy Lerwill 6. Roger Zeeman 7. Joel Rucker 8. Todd Henneman 9. Bill Tasker 10. Tuffy Howard 11. Preston Gerber 12. Ed Sorenson 13. Brian Henrie 14. Bob Olson 15. Todd King 16. Alan Peterson 17. Brian Hunt 18. Rick Tapp 19. Dave Spencer Jr. 20. Scott Gerber 1983 DESERT FOXES FOX HUNT TOP 20 1. Kris Morgan 2. Scott Godfrey 3. Scott Gerber 4. Davey Spencer Jr. 5. Bryan Allred 6. Brad Strong 7. George McQuison 8. Troy Workman 9. Todd Henneman 10. Bruce Nielsen 11. Bill Tasker 12. Shawn Gerber 13. Kelly Sorenson 14. Scott Jewett 15. Dan Thomas 16. Preston Gerber 17. Kenny Meeker 18. Allen Gerber 19. Bob Olson 20. Danny Good DUBINKY STILL RUN 1983 TOP 20 1. Kris Morgan 2. Bryan Allred 3. Bill Tasker 4. Todd Henneman 5. Todd King 6. Kevin Bogue 7. Doug Behrens 8. Bruce Nielson 9. Brad Strong 10. Bob Olson 11. Laddie King 12. Preston Gerber 13. Davey Spencer Jr. 14. Mike Mathews 15. Kim Leydsman 16. T.E. anastasion 17. Marc Long 18. Danny Lee 19. Randy Lindsey 20. Danny Good 1983 Las Vegas 400 Top 20 1. Larry Roeseler / Scot Harden 2. Kevin Welch / Anthony Pasqualotto 3. Kris Morgan / Jack Johnson 4. Scott Pfeiffer / Kurt Pfeiffer 5. Daryl Folks / Troy Fitch 6. Bob Rutten / Tom Kelly 7. Kevin Steele / Lenny Giger 8. Kent Miller / Mark Mitchell 9. Scott Gerber / Todd Henneman 10. Bobby Davidson / Larry Job 11. Darin Cartwright / Oren Beck II 12. A.C. Bakken / Gary Jones 13. Doug Stadtlander / Chuck Rush 14. Steve Zollinger / Dave Chase 15. Max Switzer / Dave Miller 16. Eric Elizondo / Joe Jones 17. Alan Peterson / Bill Quinn 18. Larry McCall / Crockett Wirthlin 19. Peter Sheehan / Jim Thompson 20. Danny Anderson / Paul Emerson 1983 Moapa To Vegas Top 20 1. Anthony Pasqualotto 2. Kevin Welch 3. Kris Morgan 4. Jim Thompson 5. Peter Sheehan 6. Daryl Folks 7. Todd Henneman 8. Allen Gerber 9. Shawn Gerber 10. Laddie King 11. Alan Peterson 12. Ken Bryan 13. Billy McDaniel 14. Max Switzer 15. Bill Quinn 16. Scott Forward 17. Dave Wood 18. Gary Oden 19. Mark Sutton 20. Hans Christensen 1983 RENEGADES IPP to EUREKA TOP 20 1. Brad Strong 2. Todd Henneman 3. Kevin Jones 4. Robert Howard 5. Todd King 6. Davey Spencer 7. Randy Lindsey 8. Dean Brook 9. Harvey Howard 10. Troy Warburton 11. Kim Leydsman 12. Alan Peterson 13. Al Hoskins 14. Shawn Gerber 15. Robert Collins 16. Bill Sharp 17. Ed Dialogue 18. Danny Lechtenbert 19. Blair Cropper 20. Michael Silliman 1983 SAN RAFAEL MAIL RUN TOP 20 1. Brad Strong 2. Mike Clark 3. Scott Gerber 4. Preston Gerber 5. Bruce Nielsen 6. Bill Tasker 7. Todd King 8. Bryon Allred 9. Paul Chilton 10. Mike Silliman 11. Mark Mayer 12. Randy Lindsey 13. Todd Henneman 14. Danny Good 15. Kim Leydsman 16. John Dialogue 17. Corky Marhan 18. Blair Cropper 19. Ray Wirts 20. Phil Call 1983 SUGARLOAFERS CHAPLAIN POINT TOP 20 1. Brad Strong 2. Kris Morgan 3. Shawn Gerber 4. Howard Pickett 5. Todd Henneman 6. George McQuiston 7. Preston Gerber 8. Scott Gerber 9. Bill Tasker 10. Bruce Nielsen 11. Troy Warburton 12. Todd King 13. Brian Hunt 14. Harvey Howard 15. Randy Lindsey 16. Kim Leydsman 17. Mark Meyer 18. Pete Watson 19. Brian Henrie 20. Mike Mathews 1983 SUGARLOAFERS CHERRY CREEK TOP 20 1. Kevin Welch 2. Brad Strong 3. Scott Gerber 4. Shawn Gerber 5. Kris Morgan 6. Harvey Howard 7. Howard Pickett 8. Bryan Allred 9. Reed Bright 10. Preston Gerber 11. Kevin Bogue 12. Joel Rucker 13. Steve Henry 14. Allen Gerber 15. Rod Purvines 16. Todd Henneman 17. Alan Peterson 18. George McQuiston 19. Kenny Meeker 20. T. E. Anastasion TOP 23 NOVICE 1983 CHERRY CREEK (that's 3TV at 7th Novice) 1. Lyndon Jones 2. Andy Butler 3. Rex Stephensen 4. Dave Truman 5. Clyde Gillen 6. Lon Huntsman 7. Phil Smith 8. Mark Milner 9. Wayne Lamb 10. Danny Husky 11. Blake Ryan 12. B.A. Peterson 13. Jeff Zeeman 14. Monte Wadsworth 15. Todd Thornton 16. Ken Meinzer 17. Mike Horne 18. Glen Brown 19. Kyle Beck 20. Stewart Nielsen 21. Mitch Tervort 22. Brett Taylor 23. Gary Donaldson 1983 SUN VALLEY GRAND PRIX TOP 20 1. Bill Dowers 2. Howard Pickett 3. Scot Harden 4. Brian Finch 5. Steve Henry 6. Brad Strong 7. Brad Turnidge 8. Dan Lees 9. Mike Kelly 10. Terry Krehbell 11. Curtis Dice 12. Todd Henneman 13. Mike Dayton 14. Nick Terreria 15. Rick Dooms 16. David Webster 17. Robert Nancolas 18. Reed Bright 19. Allen Gerber 20. Mike Hollingsworth ARCHIVES: 1984 Sage Riders NeverSweat Top 25 1.Terry McGinnis 2.Harvey Howard 3.Devin Bogue 4.George McQuiston 5.Bryan Allred 6.Joel Rucker 7.Roger Zeeman 8.Alan Peterson 9.Scott Jewett 10.Corky Maughan 11.Rick Tapp 12.Roger Braithwaite 13.Blair Cropper 14.Troy Lerwill 15.Shane Neugebauer 16.Brad Malm 17.Shawn Maxfield 18.Ed Dialogue 19.Mike Silliman 20.Shane Hackney 21.Troy Roberts 22.Dan Bringard 23.Scott Lamb 24.Thayne Ferguson 25.Steve Pitts PARTIAL 1985 Race / Overall Winner / Top Utahn Whiskey Pete's World Championship H&H (NON-USRA) / Chris Crandall / Alan Peterson 25th Rhino Rally / Shawn Gerber CEMA-Chimney Rock / Shawn Gerber Sage Riders / Harvey Howard Cherry Creek / Brad Strong Renegades-Eureka GP / Blair Cropper Sun Valley Grand Prix (NON-USRA) / Ron Naylor / Brad Strong 3rd Renegades- IPP to Eureka / Blair Cropper Wizards / Corky Maughan ARCHIVES: Sage Riders Never Sweat Weekend 1985 Top 26 1. Harvey Howard 2. Scott Godfrey 3. Shane Neugebauer 4. Kevin Bogue 5. Brian Allred 6. Blari Cropper 7. Todd King 8. Terry McGinnis 9. Richie Gainer 10. Mark Lundgreen 11. Tom Ludlow 12. Greg Noland 13. Brad Christensen 14. Corky Maughan 15. Alan Peterson 16. Bob Wilson 17. Jason Thomas 18. Brad Malm 19. Steve Pitts 20. Shawn Maxfield 21. Scott Lamb 22. Jeff Zeeman 23. Troy Warburton 24. John Brickbauer 25. Brad Wilson 26. Jeff Boyd |
ARCHIVES: Top 40 Cherry Creek
1985 Cherry Creek by Sugarloafers 1. Brad Strong 2. Harvey Howard 3. Scot Harden 4. Kevin Welch 5. Scott Gerber 6. Kelly Sorenson 7. Richie Gainer 8. Barry Frehner 9. Shawn Gerber 10. Kelly Snyder 11. Larkin Wright 12. Pete Sheehan 13. Allen Gerber 14. Lee Pearson 15. Scott Morris 16. Scott Godfrey 17. Warren Lewis 18. Preston Gerber 19. Mark Lundgreen 20. Todd Henneman 21. Greg Noland 22. Jeff Miller 23. Gregg Godfrey 24. Woody Lawhorn 25. Terry McGinnis 26. Todd King 27. Richard Staley 28. Daryl Folks 29. Richard Head 30. Morgan Williams 31. Brad Malm 32. Al Hoskins 33. Richard wilk 34. Jeff Roberts 35. Kelly Bergan 36. Jeff Zeeman 37. Jarred Clayson 38. Joe Wood 39. Brian Folks 40. Alan Peterson 1986 BUZZARDS SPRING RACE TOP 25 1. Brad Strong 2. Shane Neugebauer 3. Brad Christensen 4. Blair Cropper 5. Todd Henneman 6. Preston Gerber 7. George McQuiston 8. Greg Noland 9. Kevin Bogue 10. Corky Maughan 11. Shane Stansworth 12. Alan Peterson 13. Dave Holman 14. Bob Wilson 15. Jeff Boyd 16. Brian Henrie 17. Jim Estes 18. Jason Thomas 19. Bruce Nielson 20. Brandon Gerber 21. Ed Dialogue 22. Dean Davis 23. Dan Good 24. Mike Johnson 25. Lance Henrie 1986 IPP TO EUREKA TOP 20 1. Shawn Gerber 2. Todd Henneman 3. Corky Maughan 4. Mark Lundgreen 5. Joel Rucker 6. Bruce Nielsen 7. Alan Peterson 8. Kyle Bundy 9. Brad Strong 10. Preston Gerber 11. Chris Clark 12. Jeff Lundgreen 13. Lee Madsen 14. Greg Noland 15. Randy Lindsey 16. Randy Maddock 17. Ray Wirts 18. Jim McCain 19. Steve Hutchings 20. Richard Anderson PARTIAL 1986 Race / Overall Winner / Top Utahn Whiskey Pete's World Championship H&H / Dan Smith / Shawn Gerber 4th Rhino Rally / Brad Strong Pathfinders-Chimney Rock / Brad Strong Sage Riders / Corky Maughan Buzzards / Brad Strong Cherry Creek / Dan Smith Renegades-Eureka GP / Corky Maughan Grand Junction / Shawn Gerber Renegades-IPP to Eureka / Shawn Gerber Pathfinders-San Rafael Mail Run / Mark Lundgreen Buzzards GP / Shawn Gerber Foxes / Corky Maughan Idaho National H&H (NON-USRA) / Shawn Gerber Grand Junction-Dino Rally / Shawn Gerber 1986 USRA TOP 9 DESERT 1. BRAD STRONG 2. CORKY MAUGHAN 3. MARK LUNDGREEN 4. BLAIR CROPPER 5. TODD HENNEMAN 6. ALAN PETERSON 7. KEVIN BOGUE 8. SHAWN GERBER 9. PRESTON GERBER 1986 SAGE RIDERS NEVERSWEAT TOP 20 1. Corky Maughan 2. Shane Neugebauer 3. Blair Cropper 4. George McQuiston 5. Mark Lundgreen 6. Kevin Bogue 7. Steve Pitts 8. Alan Peterson 9. Dave Holman 10. Brad Malm 11. Lamar Rasmussen 12. Mike Stanworth 13. Jeff Boyd 14. Lance Henrie 15. Jim Estes 16. Ron Moody 17. Scott Whitehouse 18. Brad Christensen 19. Bob Wilson 20. Kyle Bundy 1987 RACE WRAP-UP Race / Overall Winner / Top Utahn Whiskey Pete's World Championship (NON-USRA) / Garth Sweetland / Shawn Gerber 8th Rhino Rally / Corky Maughan Jack Rabbitt 100-Idaho (NON-USRA) / Reed Bright / Shawn Gerber 12th Sage Riders / Scott Godfrey Pathfinders-San Rafael Mail Run / Brad Strong Buzzards / Corky Maughan Cherry Creek / Shawn Gerber Las Vegas 300 (NON-USRA) / Paul Krause & Mike Alexander / Corky Maughan & Floyd B. Rabbit Creek-Colorado (NON-USRA) / Dan Smith / Shawn Gerber 9th Foxes-Wendover / Shawn Gerber Sun Valley GP-Idaho (NON-USRA) / Ron Naylor / Corky Maughan 7th Buzzards GP / Corky Maughan 1988 GROUNDSHAKERS NATIONAL H&H NEVADA TOP 25 1. Dan Ashcraft 2. Dan Smith 3. Anthony Pasqualotto 4. Ted Hunnicutt 5. Grant Palenski 6. Scott Morris 7. Kevin Steele 8. Daryl Folks 9. Scott Harden 10. Garth Sweetland 11. Paul Krause 12. Curtis Dice 13. Bryan Folks 14. Tom Kelly 15. Alan Peterson (1st Utahn) 16. Darin Cartwright 17. Scott Stearns 18. jeff Korkornen 19. Mike Heers 20. John Braasch 21. Ron Jennings 22. Lee Pearson 23 Ken Parry 24. Greg Searle 25. Derek Titus 1988 SAGE RIDERS NEVERSWEAT TOP 20 1. Jim Estes 2. Corky Maughan 3. Lance Henrie 4. Steve Pitts 5. Alan Peterson 6. Kelly Steward 7. Aaron Huntington 8. Rick Vogler 9. Morgan Williams 10. Randall Maddock 11. Jeff Boyd 12. Tom Ludlow 13. B.J. Almberg 14. George McQuiston 15. Kerry Fowler 16. John Christiansen 17. Brett Wilson 18. Al Hoskins 19. Knat Holben 20. Steve Hutchings 1988 SUGARLOAFERS SCRAMBLES TOP 25 1. Shawn Gerber 2. Corky Maughan 3. Brent Fox 4. Scott Gerber 5. Chad Wallwork 6. Alan Peterson 7. Steve Pitts 8. Preston Gerber 9. Rick Vogeler 10. Sam Taylor 11. Robert Anderson 12. Bruce Nielsen 13. Randy Lindsey 14. Jeff Lundgreen 15. Brad Childs 16. Steve Hutchings 17. Mike Davies 18. Scott Miner 19. Kenny Uremovich 20. Dixon Shumway 21. Steve Lundgreen 22. Richard Anderson 23. Michael Sivak 24. Terry Bland 25. Jon Krizman 1988 WIZARDS RHINO RALLY TOP 25 1. Kelly Sorenson 2. Corky Maughan 3. Gregg Godfrey 4. Lance Henrie 5. Brandon Gerber 6. George McQuston 7. Tom Ludlow 8. Alan Peterson 9. Scott Morris 10. Mike Adcock 11. Webber Arnold 12. Lee Pearson 13. Sam Taylor 14. Morgan Williams 15. Joel Rucker 16. Chris Clark 17. Craig Barker 18. Kelly Stewart 19. Jason Fox 20. Robert Anerson 21. Brian Terry 22. Randy Lindsey 23. Preston Gerber 24. Scott Snow 25. Glen Taylor 1990 FOXES NATIONAL H&H WENDOVER 100 TOP 30 1. Dan Smith 2. Danny Hamel 3. Ted Hunnicutt 4. Brandon Gerber (1st Utahn) 5. Larry Roeseler 6. Garth Sweetland 7. Kelly Sorensen 8. Corky Maughan 9. Scott Morris 10. Dan Richardson 11. Chris Crandall 12. Jimmy Lewis 13. Greg Searle 14. Scott Meyer 15. Duke Lambert 16. Chris Clark 17. Grant Palenske 18. Erik Larson 19. Clint Stephan 20. Mark Lundgreen 21. Alan Peterson 22. Jeff Lundgreen 23. Paul Krause 24. Steve Hutchings 25. William Maxim 26. Preston Gerber 27. Steven Bott 28. Jon Almberg 29. Brad Childs 30. Mark Mangold 1990 LITTLE SNAKE NATIONAL H&H (COLORADO) TOP 30 1. Ted Hunnicutt 2. Dan Smith 3. Danny Hamel 4. Dan Richardson 5. Brandon Gerber (1st Utahn) 6. Larry roeseler 7. Kelly Sorenson 8. Corky Maughan 9. Jim Thompson 10. Paul Ostbo 11. Garth Sweetland 12. Ed Sorenson 13. Greg searle 14. Wayne Intermill 15. Troy Raynor 16. John Braasch 17. Grant Palenski 18. Jimmy Lewis 19. Brian Davis 20. Dan Harte 21. Alan Peterson 22. Paul Pitts 23. Chance Maughan 24. Bill Maxim 25. Duke Lambert 26. Chris Garbe 27. Joel Rucker 28. Eric Larson 29. Nick Collin 30. Don Fuller 1990 SAGE RIDERS NATIONAL H&H TOP 30 1. Larry Roeseler 2. Daniel smith 3. Ted Hunnicutt 4. Gregory Zitterkoph 5. Danny Hamel 6. Fritz Kadlec 7. Paul Ostbo 8. Chris Crandall 9. Paul Krause 10. Ed Sorenson (1st Utahn) 11. Jimmy Lewis 12. Scott Morris 13. Greg Searle 14. Grant Palenske 15. Garth Sweetland 16. Aron Huntington 17. David Porter 18. Jeff Lundgreen 19. Kenny Parry 20 James Gray 21. Alan Peterson 22. John Braasch 23. Roger Hurd 24. Mark Lundgreen 25. Keith Loonsfoot 26. Edd Price 27. B.J. Almberg 28. Steve Pitts 29. Jeff Kawell 30. Brent Bush 1990 WELLS TO WENDOVER NATIONAL H&H TOP 30 1. Larry Roeseler 2. Dan Smith 3. Greg Searle 4. Jimmy Lewis 5. Jimmy Erickkson (Sweden) 6. Grant Palenski 7. David Rhodes 8. Paul Krause 9. Brad Childs (1st Utahn) 10. David Porter 11. Bill Maxim 12. Alan Peterson 13. Paul Funaro 14. Scott Meyer 15. Corky Maughan 16. Eric Larson 17. Clint Stehpan 18. Mark Lundgreen 19. Duke Lambert 20. Sam Taylor 21. Steve Silvestri 22. Preston Gerber 23. Jon Almberg 24. Blake Barrymore 25. Edd Price 26. Curt Wilcox 27. Steve Pitts 28. Don Fuller 29. Rick Bucknell 30. Jerry Fouts 1994 BUZZARDS HALLOWEEN RACE TOP 20 1. Brandon Gerber 2. Dustin Headman 3. Brad Christensen 4. Rocky Long 5. Alan Peterson 6. Brook Finlinson 7. Vince Lucero 8. Nelson Lucero 9. David Landis 10. Kelly Betts 11. Steve Pitts 12. Shawn Maxfield 13. Russ Webster 14. Steve Hutchings 15. Chris Mast 16. Todd Spencer 17. Shayne Smith 18. Kelly Tolbert 19. Curtis Kelly 20. Dean Killmer 1994 DESERT YEAR END TOP 10 1. Mark Lundgreen 2. Brad Christensen 3. Rocky Long 4. Shawn Maxfield 5. Brook Finlinson 6. Ed Sorensen 7. Jeff Boyd 8. Preston Gerber 9. Curtis Kelly 10. Steve Lundgreen 1994 SAGE RIDERS TOP 25 1. Dustin Headman 2. Mark Lundgreen 3. Rocky Long 4. Sam Taylor 5. Brad Christenson 6. Kelly Stewart 7. Brook Finlinson 8. Russel Webster 9. Steve Pitts 10. Curtis Kelly 11. Shawn Maxfield 12. Steve Lundgreen 13. Phil Larson 14. Davis Landis 15. Tom Barber 16. Shawn Chavez 17. Kaylen Sperry 18. Christopher Mast 19. Neil Horton 20. Randy Lindsey 21. Lee Madsen 22. Eric Erickson 23. Kerry Chartier 24. Dale Flint 25. Shane Hatch 1994 SUGARLOAFERS COW DUNG TOP 25 1. Mark Lundgreen 2. Brook Finlinson 3. Rocky Long 4. Shane Stansworth 5. David Landis 6. Vince Lucero 7. Nelson Lucero 8. Russ Webster 9. Steve Lundgreen 10. Dan Good 11. Rick Law 12. Tyler Tipton 13. Randy Lindsey 14. Curtis Kelley 15. Neil Horton 16. Preston Gerber 17. Randy Thomas 18. Tad Goimarac 19. Ray Wirts 20. Kelly Tolbert 21. Chris Mast 22. Dean Killmer 23. David Blaylock 24. Kerry Chartier 25. Lynn Worwood 1995 Race / Overall Winner / Top Utahn Foxes / Thayne Stanworth Rhino Rally / Ed Sorenson Sage Riders / Danny Hamel / Mark Lundgreen 7th Buzzards / Ed Sorenson Cherry Creek / Ed Sorenson Foxes / Ed Sorenson Sage Riders / Dustin Headman Sugarloafers / Dustin Headman 1995 USRA TOP 9 DESERT 1. BRAD CHRISTENSEN 2. ED SORENSON 3. MARK LUNDGREEN 4. SHAWN CHAVEZ 5. VINCE LUCERO 6. RUSS WEBSTER 7. ALAN PETERSON 8. DUSTIN HEADMAN 9. PRESTON GERBER 1996 Race / Overall Winner / Top Utahn Rhino Rally / Dustin Headman Foxes / Dustin Headman Sage Riders / Ty Davis / Mark Lundgreen 12th Buzzards / Dustin Headman Cherry Creek / Nick Pearson / Dustin Headman 2nd Foxes / Mark Lundgreen Sage Riders / Brad Christensen Cow Dung / Dustin Headman Buzzards / Nick Pearson / Brandon Gerber 2nd 1996 USRA TOP 9 DESERT 1. MARK LUNDGREEN 2. BRAD CHRISTENSEN 3. DUSTIN HEADMAN 4. ALAN PETERSON 5. NELSON LUCERO 6. KAYLEN SPERRY 7. CURTIS KELLY 8. SHANE IVIE 9. PAUL PITTS 1997 BATTLE OF THE BORDERS CLASS CHAMPIONS (USRA vs MRAN) 125 CLASS 1. Clint Braun MRAN 250 CLASS 1. Russell Pearson MRAN OPEN CLASS 1. Mark Lundgreen USRA 4-STROKE CLASS 1. Paul Pitts USRA OVER 30 CLASS 1. Scott Morris MRAN OVER 35 CLASS 1. Alan Peterson USRA OVER 40 CLASS 1. Steve Pitts USRA OVER 45 CLASS 1. Ray Wirts USRA OVER 50 CLASS 1. David Webster USRA WOMEN CLASS 1. Luana Canfield USRA BOMBER CLASS 1. Brad Ludlow USRA ARCHIVES: 1997 BUZZARDS GOLDEN SPIKE GRAND PRIX TOP 25 1. Brad Christensen 2. Corky Maughan 3. Paul Pitts 4. Brent Fox 5. Russ Webster 6. Shawn Chavez 7. Jerry Ostler 8. Lance Bernadot 9. Nelson Lucero 10. Bryon Jones 11. Alan Peterson 12. Steve Pitts 13. Mark Robbins 14. Randy Lindsay 15. Craig McCaffery 16. Tyler Tipton 17. Steven Swatsheno 18. Curtis Kelly 19. George Follis 20. Kent Robertson 21. Paul Brown 22. Eric Brown 23. Bart Abbott 24. John Byrge 25. Mike Tolley 1997 DESERT FOXES KNOLLS TOP 25 1. Dustin Headman 2. Brent Fox 3. Vince Lucero 4. Jeff Lundgreen 5. Mark Lundgreen 6. Steven Swatscheno 7. Shawn Chavez 8. Chris Mast 9. Scott Taft 10. Jared Rusby 11. Kevin Bogue 12. Alan Peterson 13. Brad Christensen 14. George Follis 15. Steve Lundgreen 16. Charles Godfrey 17. Shay Green 18. Klay Phillips 19. Jerry Ostler 20. Bill Sharpe 21. Tad Goimarac 22. Curtis Kelly 23. Tyler Tipton 24. Ryan Jenkins 25. Kaylen Sperry 1997 NEVADA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP H&H TOP 25 1. Nick Pearson 2. Russel Pearson 3. Tony Bergman 4. Mark Lundgreen 5. Paul Pitts 6. Jeff Lundgreen 7. Corky Maughan 8. Daryl Folks 9. Vince Lucero 10. Scott Glimp 11. Alan Peterson 12. Scott Glimp 13. Russell Webster 14. David Bogt 15. Jason Robinson 16. Russell Bickle 17. Jeff Boyd 18. Cory Ayers 19. Matt Gosnell 20. Dave Wilson 21. Todd Davis 22. Cllint Braun 23. Steve Pitts 24. Justin Griswald 25. Sil Jepson 1997 RACES Race / Overall Winner / Top Utahn Rhino Rally / Dustin Headman Foxes / Mark Lundgreen Sage Riders / Ty Davis / Mark Lundgreen 17th MRAN-Panaca / Nick Pearson / Mark Lundgreen 4th Buzzards / Brad Christensen Cherry Creek / Nick Pearson / Jeff Lundgreen 3rd MRAN-Caliente / David Fry / Corky Maughan 3rd Buzzards / Corky Maughan Sage Riders / Mark Lundgreen Cow Dung / Corky Maughan Wild Rockies / Dave Hamel / Jeff Lundgreen 7th Foxes / Mark Lundgreen 1997 USRA TOP TEN DESERT 1. MARK LUNDGREEN 2. JEFF LUNDGREEN 3. CORKY MAUGHAN 4. RUSS WEBSTER 5. SHAWN CHAVEZ 6. BRENT FOX 7. STEVE PITTS 8. VINCE LUCERO 9. ALAN PETERSON 10. CHUCK GODFREY 1997 SAGE RIDERS NEVERSWEAT (WRONG WAY) TOP 25 1. Mark Lundgreen 2. Jeff Lundgreen 3. Paul Pitts 4. Rob Phillips 5. Bren Fox 6. Russ Webster 7. Coby Hansen 8. Jeff Boyd 9. Bert Bradford 10. Brian Hunt 11. Kevin Bogue 12. Jim Robinson 13. Phillip Larson 14. Pete Prodromidis 15. Josh Goimarac 16. Larry Wahlbert 17. Tim Ronsee 18. Glen Babcock 19. Todd Jenkins 20. Jerry Ostler 21. Ryan Jenkins 22. David Landis 23. Shane Ivie 24. Steve Lundgreen 25. Jay Bevan ARCHIVES: 1997 SUGARLOAFERS CHERRY CREEK TOP 35 1. Nick Pearson 2. Russ Pearson 3. Jeff Lundgreen 4. Tony Bergman 5. Corky Maughan 6. Scott Morris 7. Shawn Chavez 8. David Fry 9. Kerry Lynn 10. Alan Peterson 11. Paul Pitts 12. Scott Wilson 14. Shane Ivie 15. Glen Taylor 16. Bart Abbott 17. George Follis 18. Jeff Phillips 19. Jason Robinson 20. Eric Atkinson 21. Steve Swatscheno 22. Danny Cooper 23. Bill Sharpe 24. David Landis 25. Cory Ayers 26. Richie Gainer 27. Scott Glimp 28. David Wilson 29. Perry Crider 30. Josh Goimarac 31. Brent Fox 32. Randy Lindsey 33. Larry Wahlberg 34. Steve Pitts 35. Jason Jacobson 1997 SUGARLOAFERS COW DUNG RUN TOP 25 1. Corky Maughn 2. Vince Lucero 3. Mark Lundgreen 4. Shawn Chavez 5. Brent Fox 6. Jeff lundgreen 7. Curtis Kelly 8. Rob Phillips 9. Steven Swatscheno 10. Russ Webster 11. Chuck Godfrey 12. Shay Green 13. Steve Lundgreen 14. Mark Robbins 15. Jerry Ostler 16. Alan Peterson 17. Ryan Jenkins 18. Todd Jenkins 19. Steve Pitts 20. Donnie Fuller 21. Randy Lindsey 22. Ben Child 23. George Follis 24. Glen Babcock 25. Klay Phillips 1997 WILD ROCKIES NATIONAL HARE & HOUND (NEV) TOP 35 1. David Hamel 2. Russell Pearson 3. Destry Abbott 4. Donnie Book 5. James Gray 6. Nick Pearson 7. Jeff Lundgreen 8. Jeff Capt 9. Peter Russell 10. Brad Christensen 11. Robert Phillips 12. Russell Webster 13. Darrell Brown 14. Steve Pitts 15. Mark Lundgreen 16. Mark Weldy 17. Chris Mast 18. Taber Murphy 19. Jeff Bell 20. Curtis Kelly 21. Steven Swatscheno 22. Bert Bradford 23. David Landis 24. Eric Brown 25. Travis Bamford 26. Randy Lindsey 27. George Follis 28. Brett Bell 29. Richard Crosland 30. Glen Babcock 31. Gary Vanderpool 32. Kevin Workman 33. Randy Thomas 34. Charles Godfrey 35. Bill Sharpe PARTIAL 1998 Race / Overall Winner / Top Utahn Rhino Rally / Russ Pearson / Ed Sorenson 2nd Sage Riders / Destry Abbott / Ed Sorenson 5th Foxes? / Ed Sorenson Cherry Creek / Russ Pearson / Corky Maughan 2nd Buzzards / Ed Sorenson Sage Riders / Greg Zitterkopf Wells to Wendover / Donnie Book / Vince Lucero 10th PARTIAL 1999 Race / Overall Winner / Top Utahn Rhino Rally / Dustin Headman Cow Dung / Dustin Headman Foxes-Knolls / Vince Lucero Sage Riders / Brian Brown / Mark Lundgreen 12th Buzzards / Brandon Gerber Cherry Creek / ???? High Desert / ???? Buzzards / ???? Sage Riders-IPP to Eureka / Dustin Headman Foxes / ???? USA / ???? BookCliff Rattlers / Greg Zitterkopf PARTIAL 2000 Race / Overall Winner / Top Utahn Cow Dung / Dustin Headman Rhino Rally / Dustin Headman Sage Riders / Destry Abbott / Mark Lundgreen 16th Cherry Creek / Destry Abbott / Dustin Headman 7th PARTIAL 2004 Race / Overall Winner / Top Utahn Rhino Rally / Rob Phillips Foxes-Wendover / T.J. Hannifin Cow Dung / Russ Webster Sage Riders / David Pearson / Rob Phillips 4th WORCS-Price / Nathan Woods / Kipp Posey 13th Cherry Creek / David Pearson / Rob Phillips 4th Buzzards / T.J. Hannifin Firebirds-Lemington / Jason Orndorff Foxes-Knolls / Josh Downard Firebirds-Jericho / Rob Phillips WORCS-Monticello / Ty Davis / Nick Thompson 13th |
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